Guatemala Travelogue, March 2023

This is a travelogue of Fern’s visit to Guatemala for the purpose of advancing the Agricultural, Water for Food and Water Security, and the Building Project for a Gathering Space for Eastern Alta Verapaz, Guatemala: page 1 Please see the April 1 newsletter for details on the visit to Chajmaic. Details about giving cookware and […]

Life in the Mountains

Q’eqchi’ communities’ identity is connected to and their culture is deeply related to the mountains, especially in terms of their religion, such as with mountain spirits, dating back to pre-colonial history. (Wilson, pp. 13-14) Before the armed conflict of 1960-1996 in Guatemala, the Q’eqchi’ people lived in arable land in the mountains where they lived […]

2022 Local Festivals

Visit our Events page! Sowing Opportunities has participated in spring and summer 2022 in local festivals to introduce our mission to Malden, Melrose, and Revere residents, and to raise funds through donations in exchange for home grown plants and the sale of Guatemalan handicrafts, in order to raise funds for the greenhouse project.   Details are […]

Earth Day 2022

On Friday, April 22, 2022, Sowing Opportunities held an Earth Day event in front of The Gallery@57 from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m.  The event included discussing our mission and work in the remote indigenous village of Chajmaic, Guatemala, offering plants in exchange for donations, a bake sale, the sale of Guatemalan handicrafts and rock painting.  […]

Guatemala Travelogue, May 2022

This is a travelogue of Fern’s visit to Guatemala for the purpose of advancing the Innovative Solutions to Create Sustainability project for Chajmaic, Guatemala. Please see May 14, 2022 newsletter for details on the visit to Chajmaic. Details about giving envelopes with $25 each participant can be found at this page. Yesterday Fern witnessed the […]

Agricultural solutions address migration due to poverty and lack of economic opportunities

In April 2021 U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris met with Guatemala President Alejandro Giammattei to discuss “the causes of irregular migration and that cause Guatemalans to leave their homes in search of better development opportunities.” (  The reason for their virtual meeting was to discuss “shared commitment to expand opportunities in Guatemala and in the region,” […]

How Success Will Be Measured with the Greenhouse Project

Training in specific agricultural techniques and greenhouse maintenance will be documented through a pictorial manual (note that illiteracy is high).  Trainees will prove their knowledge by setting up and maintaining greenhouses properly.  This will be documented through photos and videos and text write-up posted on this page.  The proof of having learned the techniques will […]

Sowing Opportunities’ Innovative Solutions to create Sustainability

Sowing Opportunities’ Innovative Solutions to create Sustainability, and help reduce Poverty and Malnutrition in Chajmaic, Guatemala On March 15, 2022, our agricultural engineer, Federico Arriola Cuéllar, traveled to the indigenous, remote village of Chajmaic to work for two months with 30 families who have shown leadership in the community.  Federico has set up training sessions […]

Indigenous Mayan artisanal Crafts

We are very excited to tell you about an opportunity to give a beautiful gift to your loved one or yourself while supporting Sowing Opportunities sustainability projects as well as indigenous Mayan artisans. Now you can purchase beautiful handcrafted Mayan artwork at TheGallery@57. All the pieces are skillfully created by indigenous Mayan artisans. Your purchase of […]