Mini Invernaderos, Marzo-Mayo 2022

El domingo 20 de marzo de 2022, nuestro agrónomo experto, Federico Arriola Cuéllar, llegó a la remota aldea indígena de Chajmaic, Guatemala, para instalar mini invernaderos en los patios traseros de 30 familias de la aldea que habían demostrado liderazgo en los últimos años. Este trabajo es un proyecto piloto y será un precursor de una segunda visita en 2023 de Federico y luego establecerá un invernadero más grande en 2024 para toda la aldea.

Here is what the orientation looked like on March 20th: 

Here are details of Sowing Opportunities’ plan to address climate change in the region.

…and how we will measure success in this project.

The iron was treated with basic materials to make it last as long as possible in a way that also kept down the costs.

Measurements will be taken by the Guatemalan Ministry of Health through the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Health Center.

The meeting with the doctor in charge of this work were held on Tuesday, March 22nd, together with Federico, and people were scheduled to go there in groups of 5 by 5.

Children will be given the most importance, since they are the ones most affected by malnutrition.

And the reports will have the endorsement of the health center.

Below are some photos from March 20-21 – initiating the project with orientation, a needs assessment, and information.

Everyone will have a greenhouse of the same size inside each house. In other words, there will be 30 greenhouses just like the one you see in these photos – with the covering added.

Note the look of hope on some faces, and the deep grief on others, as they face the hope of self-sustainability for the first time in their lives.
This project helps families – youth, the elderly, women and children – all will benefit from the produce to eat and have a means of sustaining themselves.
The greenhouse structures are beginning to be built.

This process elicits hope and also remembrance. The participants are filled with emotion.
Ricardo speaks with the people. He has known them for seven years and he has their trust.
Alfonso and other participants hold the iron that will provide the cover for the greenhouses.
Ricardo leads the participating families in prayer, thanking God and those who donated for the miracle of this moment.

The participants have complete buy-in in the project. There was joy on many faces, and tears of joy on others’.