Delivering Seedlings Week 2 2022

See Sowing Opportunities’ April 9, 2022 newsletter and the April 15 newsletter for additional details and photos.

  1. The Seedlings Arrive and Are Placed in Lety’s Greenhouse, April 4, 2022

    Agricultural Engineer Federico Arriola Cuéllar holds up a celery seedling, as the first delivery of plants arrives in Chajmaic.
  2. The First Official Planting – The First Class with Seedlings, April 5, 2022
  3. Each Family Receives a Packet of Seedlings, Fertilizer, and Insecticide, April 5, 2022
    The people receive their seedlings and fertilizer after having their first planting lesson from Federico. 

    Imagine! Sowing Opportunities has its own brand of fertilizer and insecticide!

    A participant family is joyous, receiving its basket of seedlings, fertilizer and insecticide from the agricultural engineer, Federico.
  4. Inspection of the First Beds – 30 Families, April 6, 2022
    Federico inspects the greenhouses with Ricardo the day after the first class. To their amazement, what should have taken a week took one night. They worked through the night to put into place what they learned, taking to heart that the heat of the day was a tough time for the seedlings to be planted!

  5. A Bond Between Men of Honor
Our project manager, Ricardo San José Roca said, “It is an honor for me to have met my namesake Don Ricardo.”