Sowing Opportunities is now working with a school, teaching sustainable agriculture!

Here a student receives seedlings in the school in Sisbilhá in January 2025

Saturday, February 1

Dear friends and family,

Sowing Opportunities has an exciting new development:

We are working with the school in Sisbilhá, Guatemala for sustainable greenhouse farming for all the families of the children enrolled!

In November 2024, Our team returned to the three remote, indigenous villages in the region where we are working. We selected a fourth group to work with in the third village of Sisbilhá, based on the criteria of need, dedication and capability to do the work.  

Most of the households are women-run, and the women are not only determined to do what is necessary to feed their families. They are also extremely collaborative.

While there, our team was approached by the school principal and a teacher at the school in Sisbilhá. They love the project! They asked if we could establish a pair of community greenhouses for the children to learn at. They will add this to the curriculum. This will be an extra class for all students. 

The principal said, “No one in the whole area has an opportunity like this.”

In fact, this would be the only public (government) school in Guatemala that works with agriculture.

They are going to work in a family market.  Every family of the students will come to sell their products in a school market.

On January 19, our team arrived in the region and this dream started to become a reality!  Take a look at the photos of the children receiving seedlings.

This is truly exciting and will help more families in the region because the children will teach their families.

In the words of our project manager:

“Imagine now, we will teach them an innovative farming technique so that they can get their own food (and get grades at school), and that will give food to themselves and their families.

“This is a light unto the darkness for sure.”

To help fund this additional greenhouse project (our fifth in four years), we have a $1,000 matching funds challenge.  Every dollar you donate between now and March 1 will be doubled up to $1,000!

Please join us in this incredible journey.  You can donate at this link:

Thank you so much!

Fern and the Sowing Opportunities team

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